“Not everything that is faced can be changed,
but nothing can be changed until it is faced.”
- James Baldwin

Take a Stand.

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Join A Focused Group.

Neighbors United has identified primary issues that most be addressed now!

Consider joining one or more of these focused groups to get in on the action. Leaders in your community are skillfully working to push back against those who dare to take our freedoms. We need your talents and perspectives!

Together we are stronger! Click on the group(s) that interest you to learn more.

Election Integrity

Health Freedom


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Sign a Petition.

Maybe bold activism is not your thing. Never underestimate the power of the written word.

Join the many thousands daily who understand “strength in numbers”. Simply add your silent, but just as powerful, voice to any of the petitions listed on our site. We need you!

Click here to get started.

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Make a Call/send an email.

Our local, state and national representatives work for us! Make your voice heard though letters, emails, and scripted phone calls.

Neighbors United members have been working hard to compile current issues that need our attention with links to the appropriate recipients. Just 5 minutes of your time can have lasting and profound impact.

Click here to get started.