In his final speech before the Constitutional Convention, Ben Franklin warned: "…when you assemble a number of men to have the advantage of their joint wisdom, you inevitably assemble with those men, all their prejudices, their passions, their errors of opinion, their local interests, and their selfish views."   The Founders were well aware of the human tendency to turn every situation to one’s own advantage, and they tried hard to structure the new American order with checks and balances conducive to integrity.   Well, it worked for awhile….

Our Election Integrity focus group targets its efforts toward restoring election honesty, reliability, and transparency.  We feel that free and fair elections form the cornerstone of American liberty.  Our core efforts involve helping engaged citizens to influence state and federal legislatures to enact statutes which protect the most precious possession of an American citizen:  the vote.        


To restore our elections to the ideal of trustworthiness envisioned by our founders.  We want to influence our citizens and our government to reestablish electoral integrity through enhancements to the people, the processes, and the technologies involved in elections at local, state, and federal levels.

To accomplish this goal, we must:

· raise awareness;

· educate;

· equip; and

· create the foundation for honesty in our elections by actively inviting God back to the public square

CORMAN has to ACT or GO

Sample letter below to send to your representatives to pressure Corman to leave Pre Pro Office and give Mastriano his committee back so that he can continue his audit measures.


Election Integrity Caucus

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Join our fight!!!