We subscribe to the ideals delineated in the founding documents of America.
We believe all people are created equal in the eyes of God. We hold that all Americans must be free to pursue happiness.
We believe the rights enumerated in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are sacrosanct and may not be abridged by governments seduced by power.
We believe that all these rights emanate from God and are not subject to the whims of governments overwhelmed by a sense of their own dominion.
We believe that parents have a sacred responsibility to raise their children as good citizens and good neighbors; and that this grave responsibility must be accompanied by the freedom to raise their children as they see fit.
We believe in the precepts of a free market, where self-reliant and responsible citizens make their own decisions about how to pursue their own welfare.
We believe that the average American is thoroughly capable of independently making life-affecting choices, based on knowledge acquired through research and analysis. Americans are not infants who need a grandmother for a government.