“To me, America is a symbol of all different views, different types of people coming together.”
- Zendaya

Make your voice heard.


Constitutional Rights.

Freedom, in many forms, has been granted to us upon the birth of our great country. These rights are clearly laid out in our Constitution and Bill of Rights. It is the responsibility of the people to make sure those we have elected to represent us are fighting for these rights. Help Neighbors United keep our politicians honest and working for us!

Educational Reform.

Work with Neighbors United to promote the true story of America -the one steeped with injustices- but taught in context with our nation’s ideals and the immense progress towards those ideals. Take the steps to fight “anti-racist” curriculum that seeks to divide and label our children. Encourage our schools to teach true tolerance and focus on what unites us.

Health Freedom.

Medical freedom is a right. Pennsylvanians need to have and make medical choices based on informed consent. Parent's and the individual need to have the right to make medical decisions for themselves. Join Neighbors United to ensure that those needs continue to be protected rights for each and every American.

Election Integrity.

The issue of election integrity is crucial to the future of our state – and our nation. Free and fair elections form the cornerstone of American liberty. Our core efforts involve helping engaged citizens to influence state and federal legislatures to enact statutes which protect the most precious possession of an American citizen: the vote.