Our Mission

Medical freedom is a right. Pennsylvanians need to have and make medical choices based on informed consent. Parent's and the individual need to have the right to make medical decisions for themselves. Join Neighbors United to ensure that those needs continue to be protected rights for each and every American.

5 COVID Facts

Interesting Find

UC Irvine Director of Medical Ethics Placed on ‘Investigatory Leave’ Over Challenge to Vaccine Mandate

Zero Hedge reported:

The University of California, Irvine has placed their Director of Medical Ethics, Dr. Aaron Kheriaty, on ‘investigatory leave’ after he challenged the constitutionality of the UC’s vaccine mandate in regards to individuals who have recovered from COVID and have naturally acquired immunity.

Last month Kheriaty, also a Professor of Psychiatry at UCI School of Medicine, filed a suit in Federal court over the mandate.

“Natural immunity following COVID infection is equal to (indeed, superior to) vaccine-mediated immunity. Thus, forcing those with natural immunity to be vaccinated introduces unnecessary risks without commensurate benefits — either to individuals or to the population as a whole — and violates their equal protection rights guaranteed under the Constitution’s 14th Amendment,” Kheriaty wrote in a Sep. 21 blog post.

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