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Stop Critical Race Theory in the Tredyffrin/Easttown School District

We are petitioning The Tredyffrin/Easttown Board of School Directors to disavow any curriculum (i.e. Critical Race Theory) that promotes the aforementioned.  We seek actual justice for all students, not just the chosen few. All races, all people, all children. It is our belief that this Critical Race Theory is misguided racial hatred and we seek to replace this curriculum with one that gives all children the opportunity to freely advance and progress in life without the titles of racist and victim.

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STOP “Anit-Racism” Curriculums

Whereas, Critical Race Theory (CRT) inhibits unity by segregating students into groups based on race and skin color. CRT advocates assigning levels of “privilege” and “oppression” to individuals/students; therefore, creating animosity from the perceived oppressors, and a false sense of entitlement from the oppressed.


Election integrity Petitions


Constitutional Rights