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Defend the 2nd Amendment

“I, the undersigned, a lover of liberty, an American patriot, and defender of the right to bear arms, do hereby implore you, our elected representatives, to protect our Second Amendment rights and stop efforts aimed at "universal background checks."

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Defend Constitutional Carry

“So please send your PRE-WRITTEN EMAIL in support of HB659 and SB565, Constitutional Carry legislation from Representative Aaron Bernstine and Senator Cris Dush right away, so the politicians in Harrisburg know that you expect them to publicly support and vote YES on these bills!."

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Convention of States -
Term Limits

“I support the Convention of States Project; a national effort to call a convention under Article V of the United States Constitution, restricted to proposing amendments that will impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, limit its power and jurisdiction, and impose term limits on its officials and members of Congress.

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Close The Border Petition

“We stand United in our Desire to Close the Border with Mexico against more injustices to our National Constitution, our National Lands and most especially the injustices being committed on the Citizens of the United States of America. We The People have a solution, close the border until tighter security can be put in place.”

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Stop Illegal Immigration. Support American Workers!


  • 72% of Congressional Battleground districts believe it is “unfair for illegal immigrants to get social services ahead of Americans.

  • 70% of Congressional Battleground districts agree that “we must get control of our southern border because illegal immigrants are costing taxpayers billions of dollars…”

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Stop Amnesty for Illegal Aliens

“The Biden amnesty does nothing for American and legal immigrant workers. Instead, it would actually make it more difficult for unemployed workers to find work with increased foreign worker competition.

I urge you to support American workers by opposing the U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021!”


Stop CRT in Schools