Parents Stand for Mask Optional at School Board Meeting.

Over 5 Dozen parents and students, organized as a group called Unmask TE, gathered at the corner of Devon State Road and Walker Road, prior to the August 23rd Board Meeting. This effort was in show of support for a mask optional school year for students. “Do your Homework…Follow the Science”, “Free the Faces”, and “GOD Given Right to Breathe” where just some of the signs held by the crowd. They were countered by only a handful of mask mandatory parents.

Inside Valley Forge Middle School the board meeting heated up with a contentious start by an irate parent. The controversy continued during the public comment period where over 30 parents voiced their concerns for mandatory masking and its effect on children’s physical, emotional, and psychological well being. Some where armed with personal stories of how mask wearing developed into conditions such as asthma and chronic staph infections, others presented scientific studies that showed masks as ineffective and many pointed out the questionable legal right of the board to impose such a mask mandate.

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