Sites to Visit


The Amistad Project

The nation’s leading election integrity watchdog

True the Vote

Empower and equip citizens to ensure that our election process is protected from fraud and exploitation. We are proud to serve as a network hub, working together with other organizations to implement targeted election integrity initiatives to expose and deter election fraud.

Audit the Vote in PA

Pennsylvania Demands Election Integrity

Expose The Fraud

Voter Integrity Project

Voter Integrity Project is dedicated to ensuring open and honest elections for all lawfully registered voters. 


Defend the Republic.

Defending the Republic was established to defend and protect the integrity of elections in the United States. Your donation through our secure system will support this extremely vital mission.

Look Ahead America

There are millions of rural and blue-collar patriotic Americans who are disaffected and disenfranchised from the nation’s corridors of power. Their fears ignored, their priorities dismissed, their values ridiculed, they’ve become cynical and pessimistic about a government that so often does not hear their voices.

Citizens for Free Speech

Citizens for Free Speech (CFFS) is dedicated to preserving free speech and enabling citizens to exercise their rights as guaranteed by the United States Constitution.

Brennan Center

We strive to uphold the values of democracy. We stand for equal justice and the rule of law. We work to craft and advance reforms that will make American democracy work, for all.


The Marshall Report

We saw what they did, the patriots have all the data, the proof, the evidence, while those who stole the election got one big mantra of “SO WHAT…IT’S OVER.” Well Sidney Powell has news for them…IT HAS JUST BEGUN!