Budget Inaccuracies and Concerns

· $1.2 million in special education invoices went unpaid in 2017 and were not paid until 2018.  TESD’s Business Manager (Art McDonnell) and Superintendent (Richard Gusick) were not open and forthcoming with the details surrounding the error, delaying resolution of the issue at taxpayer expense. The Business Manager and the Superintendent were not held accountable. 

· In 2019 we added $48 million in debt to the balance sheet via a bond issuance increasing our interest-bearing debt by 44%. In September of 2021, our School Board voted unanimously to add up to $72 million in additional debt, more than doubling our amount of bonds payable and representing a potential 20% increase to our debt service (interest) payments.

Deficit? Surplus?

Debt Service

This slide shows the increase to our debt service from 95 million to 144 million.


Auditor’s Letter

Letter to Scott Dorsey from auditing firm
addressing accounting inaccuracies.

Admin Failure and Budget and Taxpayers.jpeg

Budget Workshop 4/18/19 - Starts at 1:34:45